Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jason's Job

Hi folks.  I have a super boring post for you here on the blog today.  I know we've been pretty quiet online.  Our computer has crashed twice this month.  The main blogger is working 6 days a week & just a bit to busy for posting much.  However, there is news with our shop hours. Starting June 6, Jason's "real" job hours change & he will now be working the 2pm-10pm shift on Tuesdays through Saturday.   This is not so condusive to running a shop, since most of you like to come in the afternoons.  You still can do afternoon visits (call ahead) on Sudays & Mondays.  Otherwise he'll be sqeezing visits in before 1:00pm the other days.  The 2nd Wed & 3rd Tues of every month is his training at work and he does then have a 6am-3pm shift.  We've very sorry for this inconvenience, but having him on the midnight shift for work just was NOT fun ( for him, kids or me).  Don't forget you can catch him at the 3D shoots.  The next one is June 23 & 24.  Give him a heads up of products or tools you might need him to bring out, if you have something specific in mind. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bowtech Contest

Just a head up to all you lady hunters.... there is a Women In Archery contest over at Bowtech Archery.  The prize is a Heartbreaker bow!  It's worth a shot.  Just write an essay & send them a photograph of yourself.  Get creative and focus on what sets you apart from the other women.  The deadline is May 31, so get busy!!! Good luck! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


A good majority of hunters have a safe.  They rest easy knowing their guns & valuables are safe & sound.  But what about all that archery gear that lays under the truck topper or in an open garage?  Check out these articles for Stack-On Buck Commander.

the outdoor wire

archery hub


This is a brand new product that was featured at the ATA show.  It is designed more for organization & doesn't offer true safe protection.  However, Liberty is developing an internal bow hook system.  At least now you know the products are out there for archers too.  This post is also for all you organization orientated shooters.  I have a few in mind.